Processes in Instance: XXX
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 11939 | Alive
LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 13132 | Alive
OC4J | home | 11940 | Alive
OC4J | aaOC4J | 11950 | Alive
OC4J | bbOC4J | 11951 | Alive
OC4J | ccOC4J | 11952 | Alive
OC4J | ddOC4J | 11955 | Alive
OC4J | eeOC4J | 11962 | Alive
OC4J | ffOC4J | 11963 | Alive
OC4J | ggOC4J | 11965 | Alive
OC4J | hhOC4J | 11978 | Alive
WebCache | WebCache | N/A | Down
WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | N/A | Down
[alert 9526] [ecid: -] Permission denied when setting group ID ( oinstall )
[alert 13003] [ecid: -] Configuration error. Stopping admin or cache server.
At Doc ID 464198.1
Web Cache was started by a user or process that is running under a different group which doesn't have sufficient privilege
to change to the group listed in webcache.xml (only root is allowed to change groups).
The owner of the Oracle Home does not have the correct unix primary group (GID) setting. There is a mismatch between the information
returned by the unix 'id' command and the information held in the /etc/group file. For
I solved this problem use this command by root privilege. setroot oracle
then, webcache can start correctly.